Affecting roughly one-third of men, gynecomastia is a common condition that causes the appearance of enlarged breasts. This often leads to embarrassment and affects self-esteem, especially at times when men are expected to go shirtless, such as at the gym, beach or by the pool.
Dr. Shain Cuber has extensive experience performing male breast reduction procedures that restore a more normal, masculine appearance to the chest. The three main techniques for gynecomastia surgery are liposuction, excision and a combination of the two, and the ideal approach depends on whether fullness is caused by excess fat, glandular tissue or both.
What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery
Recovery after gynecomastia surgery varies depending on the techniques used. In general, patients are sent home bandaged, wearing a compression garment and may have drains at the incision sites if tissue is excised. Expect to spend the first three days after surgery taking it easy at home although it’s not necessary to stay in bed. Sitting on a couch or at a table is acceptable, but it’s important to avoid excessive shoulder movement and lifting the arms. Dr. Cuber will provide specific details about activity restrictions prior to surgery. Mild pain is common once anesthesia wears off, but most patients find that extra-strength Tylenol is enough to manage the discomfort. Redness, swelling and bruising can persist for up to two weeks.
The first post-op follow-up visit is usually scheduled five to seven days after surgery, and sutures and drains will be removed during this appointment. Based on your healing progress, Dr. Cuber will provide further instructions, including the compression garment and exercise. Patients are generally able to resume low-impact activities two to three weeks after surgery, and upper-body resistance exercise three to six weeks after surgery.
To promote optimal healing and minimize scarring, you may be instructed to apply an antibiotic ointment. It is very important to avoid sun exposure for at least six weeks after surgery, as this can lead to discoloration and more visible scars. Patients with less elastic skin may notice creases or folds after excess fat and tissue are removed. This can persist for up to a year but will improve as the skin naturally tightens over time.
As with other surgical procedures, patients may experience numbness in and surrounding the treated areas. This is temporary, and normal sensation returns within a year. It is also possible that the areola will shrink after gynecomastia surgery, especially when a significant amount of tissue is removed. It can take a several months for swelling to fully subside and to see the final results.
Call (516) 773-7846 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cuber and learn more about gynecomastia surgery.